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Atlas of torture
This site was developed within the project "Stop Torture in Moldova" with generous support from the "Atlas of Torture" projects’ small grants program, funded by the European Commission
Atlas of torture
The new version of the site was developed within the Internews project Audience Understanding and Digital Support, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida

Sinteza jurisprudenţei Curţii Europene în cauzele vs Moldova, examinate sub aspectul Articolului 3 din Convenţie


Sinteza jurisprudenţei Curţii Europene în cauzele vs Moldova, examinate sub aspectul Articolului 3 din Convenţie

RAPORT „Rele tratamente pe motiv de discriminare în Moldova”


RAPORT „Rele tratamente pe motiv de discriminare în Moldova” 

Specialized website for victims of torture to be created


Specialized website for victims of torture to be created


The international human rights organization Human Rights Embassy is launching the project “Stop Torture in Moldova”. According to a communiqué from the organization, the aim of the project is to create a useful source of information for victims and potential victims of human rights violation and for professional groups that deal with cases of torture, ill-treatment and arbitrary detention, IPN reports.

Human Rights Embassy expressed its concern about the authorities’ inability to effectively combat torture and ill-treatment in Moldova. The site will contain information about national, regional and international mechanisms that enable to defend the rights of victims of torture and degrading treatment; how to exhaust the effective ways of defense; how to lodge a complaint with the European Court of Human rights or the UN Committee on Human Rights. As important is the information about methods of documenting torture cases, the correct usage of medical check-ups, reports and other medical documents in national and international courts.

The information will be available in Romanian and Russian. The project “Stop Torture in Moldova” is implemented with the support of the Small Grants Program of the Atlas of Torture Project that is financed by the European Commission.

According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, 970 complaints over cases of torture and ill-treatment were submitted last year, by 12 more than in 2011.


Source: IPN / 04.04.2013

Source: allmoldova / 04.04.2013

This site was developed within the project "Stop Torture in Moldova" with generous support from the "Atlas of Torture" projects’ small grants program, funded by the European Commission