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Atlas of torture
This site was developed within the project "Stop Torture in Moldova" with generous support from the "Atlas of Torture" projects’ small grants program, funded by the European Commission
Atlas of torture
The new version of the site was developed within the Internews project Audience Understanding and Digital Support, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida

Expressive arts therapies: Working with survivors of torture


Expressive arts therapies: Working with survivors of torture

Amber Elizabeth Lynn Gray, M.P.H., M.A., L.P.C.C., A.D.T.R., N.C.C.*

Download this file (Expressive_art_therapies_Torture1-2011.pdf)Expressive_art_therapies_Torture1-2011.pdf74 kB

None Dare Call It Torture: Indexing and the Limits of Press Independence in the Abu Ghraib Scandal


None Dare Call It Torture: Indexing and the Limits of Press Independence in the Abu Ghraib Scandal

W. Lance Bennett (1), Regina G. Lawrence (2), & Steven Livingston (3)

1 Departments of Political Science and Communication, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195

2 Department of Political Science, Hatfield School of Government, Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207

3 Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052

Download this file (bennett_none_dare_tirture.pdf)bennett_none_dare_tirture.pdf154 kB

This site was developed within the project "Stop Torture in Moldova" with generous support from the "Atlas of Torture" projects’ small grants program, funded by the European Commission