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Atlas of torture
This site was developed within the project "Stop Torture in Moldova" with generous support from the "Atlas of Torture" projects’ small grants program, funded by the European Commission
Atlas of torture
The new version of the site was developed within the Internews project Audience Understanding and Digital Support, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida

Формуляр жалобы в Европейский Суд по правам человека

Формуляр жалобы в Европейский Суд по правам человека

Documentation for persons wishing to apply to the European Court of Human Rights

Documentation for persons wishing to apply to the European Court of Human Rights



Before deciding if you can apply to the European Court of Human Rights you should carefully read the Convention and the Notes for the Guidance of Applicants.

If your case complies with the conditions mentioned in these texts, you should detach and complete the Application Form (central pages) according to the instructions included in the Notes.

Please note that the Authority Form is only to be sent back if you already have a lawyer.

This site was developed within the project "Stop Torture in Moldova" with generous support from the "Atlas of Torture" projects’ small grants program, funded by the European Commission